Getting Started With
Control4 Smart HomesNew favorites for your convenience
entertainment experience"At-A-Glance" Views of your entire home
Quick and clear
control of it allYou have many rooms in your house, but some that are used more often than the others. Elevate those favorite rooms and quickly swipe between them.
Icons are larger and text is more legible. The Comfort screen provides weather details and allows you to adjust the temperature with a single tap. You also have a clear view of what’s playing around the house with the all-new Active Media Bar.
To experience Control4 Smart Home OS 3, talk to AudioVision about upgrading your system and download the new OS 3 app today!
Wall To Wall WIFI
- Stronger wireless signals throughout home
- Easy system maintenance
- Effortless sharing of data between computers
- Wireless printing from any device
- A structured wiring system
- Remote access to cameras and alarm system
- Network storage/online backup options
Providing You The Best Experience From Any Interface You Use
Focused entertainment experience
Watching a movie or turning on the news has never been easier with the all-new OS 3 TV on-screen menu. Designed to keep you focused on your entertainment, intuitively controlled with a handheld remote.
Favorites make it fast to get to your most-used lights or scenes, and also quickly start your favorite movie or music.